Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Maggie's First Eye Exam...

Since we were out of school for President's Day on Monday, I took Maggie for her first eye exam.   Sadie was scheduled as well, but a babysitting job came up and she worked that day.   Maggie didn't like the air puffs into her eyes for the glaucoma check; after the first one I didn't know if we could get the second one done.   I told her we weren't leaving that room until it was done and she was very brave and finally submitted to it.  The eye doctor also dilated her eyes, so she got to wear these sunglasses home.  It turns out that she has better than 20/20 vision, according to one of the tests, which was great news.  There is degenerative eye disease on Keith's side of the family, in the Reed/Cox line. 

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