Friday, December 16, 2011

Last-Minute Teacher Gift...

As my students brought Christmas gifts to me yesterday, it dawned on me that I had done nothing for Maggie's teacher.  Out of panic came inspiration.   Once again my sewing machine came to the rescue.    Since I had only an hour or so to get anything done, I also used Fusible Fabric Adhesive.   Maggie's teacher has a flamingo-themed classroom, and her "imaginary" flamingo, Flo, checks the students' desks for neatness, etc.   I came up with a Christmas stocking for Flo to decorate the teacher's classroom at Christmas. Maggie loved it, and was excited about giving it to her teacher.   

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

It's the Little Things....

Maggie was delighted by the blue popcorn I fixed for her afterschool snack yesterday.   Pop Sec.ret has come out with blue popcorn and it was fun to see her surprised face.    
We received some not-so-welcome news at our school yesterday regarding an upcoming teaching position being cut next school year, due to numbers, budget problems, etc.   We were also told that this financial crisis for schools is far from over and may affect jobs for the next few years, if not longer.    It seems the world we have lived in is changing, and it makes me worry for my children and the future they will face.
But for now, Maggie likes blue popcorn, and that makes us both smile.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

What a wonderful week off we enjoyed for Thanksgiving this year.  It was a week of cooking, resting, and a time for Sadie to catch up on her Driver's Ed study.  I loved setting the Thanksgiving table with my vintage dishes and tablecloth.   I even scored a few great Black Friday deals to top off the week.  I want the girls to stay the ages they are now for about 5 more years, but since that can't happen, I am trying to "be in"  the moments that we have now.  Sadie is cooking supper tonight for all of us.   Maggie is growing taller, and I sent her off to school this morning in highwater pants, not realizing how highwater they are now until I watched her walk out to the car for her dad to take her to school.   Black pants and yellow socks, with much more of the yellow sock showing than should have.   I need to get the sewing machine out this weekend and whip up a few pairs of jeans for her.