Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Playing Outside...

Maggie and I get home from school around 3:45 -4:00 each day; Sadie is usually already there since Keith picks her up from school.   The recent lovely weather here has given Maggie an opportunity to get outside, where she will usually stay until dark and suppertime.   She has shoes on in this picture from yesterday, which is not usually the case.  I have to go out every few days and collect shoes and socks that have been discarded around the yard.  In fact, I don't think the shoes she has on here actually made it back inside.   She loves walking around and looking for treasures, digging in the dirt, and using her imagination.    Keith has plans to till up the garden this week and plant onion sets and potatos.  Right now the garden is filled with lettuce from last year's lettuce that went to seed.

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