Thursday, April 7, 2011

Baby Carolina cute!

My crafty hubby built this bird house several years ago, and recently hung it in a new location right outside my kitchen window, on the side of the carport.  A pair of Carolina Wrens found it and have built a new nest there.   They currently have 3 baby birds;  there could be a fourth in there, it's hard to tell.  The little house is crowded!  We have all watched the parents come and go, feeding the little ones and cleaning out the house.   The parent birds have actually "house tranined" the babies to the extent that the babies "do their business" right after getting a bit of food from the parent; the parent immediately takes the offending material from the baby and away from the nest.   It is truly amazing to watch this bird family.  Nature goes on taking care of itself regardless of the troubling things we see in the newspaper each day.  On another bird note, my husband has adopted a stray banded pigeon that has appeared and taken up residence here.   The pigeon is wearing a leg band and we don't know from whence he came, but he follows Keith around the yard begging for bird seed.  Of course, Keith is secretly pleased with the attention.  I will get a picture of the pair of them and post it here soon. 

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