Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March Madness

Sadie is about to play volleyball in a select spring league. She is a busy, active girl. She is reading a book right now called "Dateable" and it is full of good advice for girls her age, and how to navigate their social situations. Maggie looked like this after school last week, with a bandaged face. She has earned the nickname Scarface at home due to the multiple scars and wounds she seems to always have on her face. This time she got too close to someone with a ball scoop in PE, and came away with an injury beneath her eye. Last night she accidentally left her favorite B.arbie guitar out in the rain; it is drying out and making strange sounds in the kitchen today. It made for an interesting morning, to hear B.arbie singing the songs on the guitar in a deep, mournful tone. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

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