Monday, May 6, 2013

Raised Bed Gardening

This is my first year to try using raised garden beds.  I purchased these Garden Blocks by Evolve to use in making my beds.   The front round bed is for my Knockout Rose bush and flowers.  The others are dedicated to vegetables.  I also have irises planted around the round beds.  I hope this method will make weed control easier.  I also added my mother-in-law's old laundry wash tubs to hold a few more squash plants.  The bed in the background is blackberry bushes.  They need to grow this year and next; we hopefully will get berries again next year.    They were stressed and damaged by the old house being torn down.
Seeds are planted; more pictures to come. 
I planted butternut squash in addition to yellow; I have never tried butternut squash before.  Hopefully it won't be fussy.

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