Saturday, September 10, 2011

Goodnight, Sweetheart, It's Time to Go (Back to Your Own Bed...)

Maggie used to sleep in her own room.   How nice that was.  She is going through a phase right now (at least I hope it's a phase) in which she refuses to sleep alone.   In order to get a good night's sleep, I have just started her out in my bed with her daddy the last few nights.  I sleep in her room.  This morning, she came and found me at 5:00 am because Keith had already been up for a while, and she found herself in bed alone.  We have allowed Sammy to sleep in her room, she now has a dream catcher, and she has nightlights and dolls.    Even so, anytime she wakes up just a little, usually by midnight, she comes running downstairs to find us.   I am not sure what is causing this;  Maggie has always been "clingy".  Sadie has always slept in her own room and in her own bed, so this is not a problem we really ever had with her.
Tonight, she is going to start out in her bed.  We created a chart today, and for each night she stays in her bed all night, she will get a sticker.   For every 7 stickers, she will get a reward. 

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