Wednesday, May 18, 2011

1st grade work- Telling time and more

Here are a few pictures of Maggie's recent school work.  I am very proud of the things she has accomplished in first grade.   She has learned to tell time to the hour and half-hour recently, and she also enjoys the social studies lessons about the community and what people in the community do.  This morning she announced that we have 7 days of school left.  She is very ready for summer break and spending extra time at home.  She will be taking swim lessons and participating in vacation bible school, among other things, but mostly she will be playing and relaxing at home.    
I am really ready for school to be out as well for her, because even though she has had a wonderful year with very sweet classmates, a little girl drama has crept in recently.  Maggie has never been aware of clothing labels or what "brands" are popular, but this week she came home and asked me to take her to the clothing store "J.ustice".   Luckily, I happened to have a pair of their jean shorts on hand waiting for her to grow into, given to us by one of the dear people who keep us supplied in hand-me-downs.   I am really not ready for her to begin worrying about being in-style.

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