Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Christmas Past

Remembering holidays past; not ready to experience them without Keith in the midst of our days.


~Maria said...

Hi there, I was just going through old posts and comments on my blog and I wanted to check in and see how you are doing. I am right there with you with the holiday dread. If there is anything I can specifically pray for you please let me know. Otherwise know that I am praying for grace and healing for your heart, and mine.
In Him,

TexasTeacher said...


Thank you so much for commenting; reading your blog has been so comforting to me. As always, God is upholding me; even still, I am experiencing sudden upsurges of grief, as well as moments of absolute sadness. When the tears start, it feels as though they will never end. It has been my experience lately that a few people I am in contact with seem to feel that we "should be over this by now". Please pray for God to give me the courage to handle these (unfrequent) comments with grace and diginity. I am sure these people have good intentions, but it is still difficult to deal with.
I was speaking with my Stephen Minister at church around Thanksgiving, and I told her it doesn't seem right that the rest of the world is going on celebrating when my world has been turned upside down. I know that God understands how I feel, and that He will continue to be my healer.
I will pray for you and your family as well, and, likewise, please let me know of any specific need I can pray for.

In Christ's Love,
