Thursday, January 27, 2011

We're a Crafty Bunch

My favorite stress-reducer is sewing up a new outfit or two for a member of my family. Right now, I am working on Simplicity pattern 5484 for Maggie using the materials you see here. I am almost finished with the top and pants. The pants will sport fabric appliques made from the accent fabric, which I love by the way. I used a zigzag stitch to topstitch the appliques to the pant legs, and a wonder-under type product to iron them on first. The pants are an elastic waist made from a good quality denim with shiny threads throughout. Maggie needs elastic waist pants whenever possible to help keep them up on her little body. I should finish this outfit tonight and hope to have pics soon of the finished product.

My crafty hubby built this nifty bird feeder and hung it from the front porch. We have enjoyed watching the bluebirds, the cardinals, Carolina chickadees, and wrens, along with the abundant sparrows.
I hope to start blogging daily or near daily on this blog space. Please feel free to share in comments!

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