Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring League Volleyball

Sadie is playing volleyball in a select spring league. Her team is made up of 8th grade girls. She will be playing for 6-8 weeks. It is a fun league and she has a chance to keep her skills sharp. Saturday's game was the first of the season and they lost. However, they had only had 1 practice to date so they will surely improve, but she enjoys it and I enjoy watching the games.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Garden: phase 1 Here is our garden so far: Keith plowed and Maggie and I planted. We planted onions, yellow squash, cucumbers, black-eyed peas, lettuce, okra, and red potatoes. Everything but the potatoes and onions are from seed. This view is from my front porch, looking north. What we need now is rain and sunny days. More photos to come as the seeds sprout and grow! Maggie went to bed and read a few nights ago; she ended up falling asleep while reading. This picture makes me want to curl up in bed with a good book.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


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My two girls have chores each day and week. One of Maggie's chores is to put away the clean silverware after it is removed from the dishwasher. You can tell by her expression how she felt about this chore recently. Don't we all have days like this? For myself, it seems to be more difficult to get up on time after the time change takes us forward one hour each spring. And also my task list is getting longer and longer with spring activities and to-do's. The mowing season is already upon us here; I did get our garden planted on Sunday with Maggie's help. Keith did the plowing and we did the planting. If all goes well, we will have lots and lots of fresh veggies to share and put away. I will post some garden-themed blog posts as the gardening season progresses. I hope to can black-eyed peas this year. We also planted squash, cucumbers, okra, red potatoes, onions, and lettuce. Our apricot trees are loaded with fruit. Let's hope a late freeze doesn't reverse our progress.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Our Arkansas Adventure 2011

The previous post is a slideshow of pictures from our Arkansas spring break trip. We dug for diamonds in Murphreesboro, AR. It was a bit cold for a successful dig; perhaps we will return sometime. We enjoyed the town of Murphreesboro; the restaurants were mom and pop type establishments, and the food was all VERY good. The Kiamichi river dam in Oklahoma was a very interesting, unplanned stop. My camera battery was on the fritz so I missed some good photo ops there. Overall we had a great time and met some very nice people at our motel. The motel pool gave the girls something to do after hours.

Arkansas 2011

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Friday, March 11, 2011

{This Moment}

{This Moment} A Friday ritual. A moment from the week I want to pause, savor, and remember.
Saturday morning, Sadie volunteered to help her dad spread rock in the driveay. It was so nice to see them working together to accomplish something for the family.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March Madness

Sadie is about to play volleyball in a select spring league. She is a busy, active girl. She is reading a book right now called "Dateable" and it is full of good advice for girls her age, and how to navigate their social situations. Maggie looked like this after school last week, with a bandaged face. She has earned the nickname Scarface at home due to the multiple scars and wounds she seems to always have on her face. This time she got too close to someone with a ball scoop in PE, and came away with an injury beneath her eye. Last night she accidentally left her favorite B.arbie guitar out in the rain; it is drying out and making strange sounds in the kitchen today. It made for an interesting morning, to hear B.arbie singing the songs on the guitar in a deep, mournful tone. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Hair, the Musical

Sometimes a found object can be the trigger for a lot of silly fun. I pulled out this vintage lighted mirror and the girls had fun being glamorous. Maggie loves to sit at the mirror and brush her hair. Speaking of hair, I got my hair cut in a very short haircut, the shortest I have ever had. I really enjoy it at this length. The picture doesn't show all the dimension it has; a big deal for me since my hair is straight times 3 and very fine.