Sunday, August 29, 2010

Bento lunch for Friday of first week of school... pb&j sandwiches cut with a cute little doll cookie cutter, pb& j crackers (lots of pb& j, I know), strawberries, and goldfish. This lunch was all eaten! YEA!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Back to School 2010

Both of the girls had a great first day of school, and had great things to say about their classes. Tonight we had baked egg puffs, bacon, etc. Fast and easy. Maggie's bento lunch was a HUGE success. She had roast beef, cheese cubes, goldfish crackers, and diced strawberries. She also had a granola bar. She ate every bite, except the cheese cubes, which she loved at Kro.ger when we got a free sample. My bento skills are in the development stage, and hopefully the artful and creative part will grow.
Sadie loves her new pillows, and Maggie slept way at the top of her bed last night to make room at the bottom for her tiny seahorse. She made him a comfortable resting place with kleenex.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Room Re-do Continues

I cropped this picture to try to show the wall hanging as well as the dresser front. The dresser has 3 rows of drawers and is really roomy. Someday I will paint the cabinet pink as well as the drawer fronts. The fabric for the panel is called Castles and Carriages. I will try to get better pix up soon!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Room Re-Do

Maggie now has a twin size b.ed in her room and she has a lot more room to play. I also decided to update the nightstands in her room and Sadie's room, with new paint and new knobs. You can see the "before" view of the nightstand in the first pictures. The "after" view is at the bottom of the blog. Being the frugalista that I am, I cut down the mat.tress pad, b.edspread, and b.edskirt from the full b.ed to fit the new one. Then, I used the extra fabric from the spread to create nightstand and dresser runners. I really like the results. I also have a new quilt for cooler weather. If you noticed the Christmas dress on Maggie, it is because she sneaks into her room and changes into this dress every chance she gets.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Happy 14th Birthday, Sadie!

Sadie had a birthday swimming bash on Aug. 7 for herself and her friends. She really enjoyed it. Her cake turned out so well. My fave picture is the action shot with Maggie jumping off the diving board and Sadie in the middle of a model pose.