I am a Methodist, a mother, and a public school teacher, learning to live in the new role of widow. God has truly sustained me and my family. I like to share about daily family life.
The girls made fudge on Saturday using a Carnation Famous Fudge kit. It was very successful. They are enjoying the fudge. Also, Maggie won a prize for bringing in Box Tops for Education to school.
I took some nice snuggly fall pictures, and a few pictures of a piece of furniture I picked up to hold mail and backpacks, etc. I really like it. Also, I have enjoyed this fall arrangement so much. Sadie tells me this house now feels like home.
We had so much fun on Halloween night, until Maggie got sick. We baked a pumpkin cake, and then the kiddos frosted it. Maggie loved the Halloween outfit I made, and wore it a lot during the last month. I also included a volleyball photo and other pictures I liked.